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Arkansas - LSGL Analysis of County Real Earnings Growth by Selected Industry, 1969-2023

Introduction & Summary

The Performance of Your Industry: How Does It Stack Up?

Leading...or Lagging? Gaining...or Slipping?

Stronger...or Weaker? Better...or Worse?

Borrowing from an approach that sometimes appears in the finance sections of the popular press, LSGL analysis is a handy and versatile way to compare, portray and classify the patterns of growth across all of Arkansas' 75 counties.
Here, we adopt this approach to gauge and compare the real earnings growth of Arkansas' county counties over the latest available year (2023) against the backdrop of their growth over the previous decade (2014-2023). In so doing, we classify their growth and performance into 4 broad categories: Leading, Slipping, Gaining and Lagging. Particular attention is given to highlighting and assessing the growth of a specific selected major industry sector.
This LSGL module dynamically generates and calibrates a barometer for gauging the economic growth and performance of the 75 counties of Arkansas wherein "...unlike in the land of Lake Wobegon, not all the counties are above average."


  1. From the "Analysis Options Menu" to the right, select a major industry of interest to contrast and compare results.

Additional Suggested Analysis

To compare and examine the structure and growth of any two major industry sectors click on the map below.

Educational Servicesvs. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Earnings by County, 2023

Earnings by County, 2023
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